Coaching Method

We will be constantly logging and reviewing your lifestyle habits in order to optimize them to best achieve your goals

Hormone Optimization Through Sleep Optimization and Stress Reduction + Dietary Coaching and Nutrition Education

Every healthy lifestyle includes a strong foundation in stress reduction, good quality sleep, and optimal nutrition. Getting optimal sleep and lowering stress (while maintaining a nutrient dense and high quality diet) is the ONLY way to lose any “excess” body fat; and to ensure a strong and healthy body/physique (aka: you will not lose unhealthy weight through “exercise / fitness training” alone).

  • Sleep Optimization
  • Stress Management (Physical and Environmental)
  • Meal Planning & Prep
  • Supplement Advice
  • Nutrition Education
  • Hormone Optimization
  • *Starting With Functional Medicine Lab Testing Will Provide You With The Best Coaching Advice Specific To Your Body’s Individualized Needs

Strength & Conditioning

“Strength Training”, not to be confused with general exercise, is all about getting you physically (and mentally) stronger. We will do that through a safe, simple, systematic and measurable approach:

  • Safe & Effective Form & Technique Coaching (“Proper form and technique” is ALWAYS more important than how much you can lift)
  • Strength Training
  • Cardiovascular Conditioning
  • Full Range of Motion Flexibility Coaching

Common Results Many People Achieve:*

  • Less Back Pain & Body Aches (To Even Complete Relief)
  • Body Fat Reduction
  • Increased Lean Muscle Mass
  • Increased Energy & Stamina
  • Better Sleep
  • Clearer Skin (Acne Reduction)
  • Decreased Physical & Mental Fatigue
  • Healthy Weight Loss
  • Healthy Weight Gain
  • Improved Self-Image
  • Increased Self-Esteem
  • Prevention, Control & Possibly Even Reversal of Symptoms Pertaining to Coronary Heart Disease / High Cholesterol / Obesity / Type-2 Diabetes / As Well As Many Other Curable Illnesses

*Results are not guaranteed and vary from individual to individual.

Ready to get Started?

Schedule your FREE phone consultation today!

Send me a message by filling out the form below and I will get back to you within 48 hours!

Real People | Real Results

  • Uriel R. Progress Photo


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