Conventional (In-Office) Labs



Marek Health is the premium telehealth platform that not only offers scientifically selected blood panels, but (if opted in), provides concierge-style treatment all from the comfort of your home.

With this service, you will receive a Marek Health lab panel (pictured above) along with a complimentary lab analysis of your results (via video call) with your very own Patient Care Coordinator at Marek Health. This amazing process means you will get to see and fully understand “your lab results”; and be offered over-the-counter supplementation and prescription treatment options if warranted and desired.

I can attest in saying that Marek Health goes above and beyond with their services. You will absolutely love the personalized customization that they provide. 😊👌

Ready to get started?

Email me at and I will send you an invoice (and setup details) promptly.*

* All sales are final. Lab orders are nonrefundable.*

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